Are you ready to take the most sought-after vow in our time today? Marriage has an unspoken meaning of love. Marriage is when you take two souls that were once individuals and bring them together as one with promise that will last a lifetime. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. You are able to share a life with another that connects you in levels that you cannot understand until you have been through it yourself. You are able to share your deepest secrets with this one person and eternally dive into the secret of love itself. There are many certificates out there to choose from, but there are a few out there that describe a beauty and simplicity of the vow. This particular marriage certificate is on a beige background written in a beautiful dark brown calligraphic pen. The embroidered border stands out with elegance and the certificate shows all the details that are required to show off your eternal vow in a frame. The certificate shows elegance and clarity to frame your eternal promise of love with your significant other.