Mannequin themed Gift Certificate Template
in Gift Certificates , Mother's Day & Father's Day Gift CertificatesChoose Your Desired Option(s)
The mannequin themed gift certificate is great for anyone who was there for the old styled life. The mannequins bring back a part of time when clothes didn’t have anybody to model them. The background color of the template is a light blue with a darker blue semi-circle on top. There are light green bubbles on the template that makes it feel like the scene is under water. On the left side is a pink mannequin with a bubble where a head should be. In the middle of the mannequin is a yellow flower and the same green bubbles surrounding it. To the right of that are three big white bubbles for you to write text in. The first bubble has a logo on it, the middle one has a message, and the last bubble has a to and from section. All of these texts can be changed to what you want.