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This lily gift certificate template has an interesting design. You can see a beautiful floral design on the certificate. The certificate is not colorful and yet it looks very elegant in appearance. You can see shades of white and gray on the certificate template. The main heading of the gift certificate is written in a stylish manner. There is space for writing the name of the person giving and getting the certificate. There is also space for writing the gift name or description. The certificate is available for download at the mentioned price and is compatible with MicrosoftⓇ Word. The background at which the text is written appears plain white while one portion of the certificate has a dark gray background. The lily flower on the gift certificate template is quite pretty in appearance. The overall design and theme of the certificate are suitable for anyone who is looking for a classy gift certificate template. Technological advancement has made it possible to select from a variety of options as there are tons of designs that are easily available online.