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This elegant gift voucher template has a plain background. The main heading of the gift voucher is written in a stylish manner. There is space for writing the name of the person giving and getting the certificate. You can see space for mentioning the value. You can add issued by and the issued date and the relevant voucher number. Using the template certificate is a good idea as it gives you information on the relevant content that should be part of such certificates. It also serves as a sample in some cases when someone has no idea on what a part of a gift certificate template should be. You can mention the address and web address on the certificate as well. You can see some pattern of design on the corners of the certificate that is same and is a mirror image to each side of the certificate. The G and V in the gift voucher are written in a different color along with a small note and web address is given as an example. The rest of the text in the certificate is black in color.