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This award certificate for regular attendance is available for download at the mentioned price. It is quite colorful in appearance and is compatible with MicrosoftⓇ Word. There is a file for Word and PDF. This award is in fact, a good idea as it would appreciate and motivate the student to be regular in school. The design of the template is such that it appears perfect for the students. The borders are designed in a unique way, which uses a good color combination. The font is also in a color combination; however, the best part is, it is easy to read it. Majority of the content uses the color blue in content for the font. Some templates have good designs but sometimes the use of the font style is such that it becomes difficult to actually read what is written on the award certificate template. This particular certificate gives information on the content, which should be a part of a certificate awarded for the regular attendance including the name of the student, class, teacher, and so much more.